Join Our 90-Day Metabolic Reset

90 Days to a Stronger, Healthier and Happier You!

You've been wanting to make a change.

You know there is a different version of you ready to be found, just beneath the surface.

Someone who is brave, who cultivates self-love, who stands in your power and owns your worth, deserving to become the best version of you possible.

Join us for this 90-day journey!

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Let's talk about what you want to accomplish over these 90 days...Maybe this isn't about how you look (although you're ready to rock that new outfit with confidence, strutting your stuff), after all, how you look on the outside is a reflection of what's happening on the inside.

This is about how you want to feel, and more importantly, what you're able to do!

You are so ready to experience life and take advantage of feeling your best every single day!

The best way to do that is by getting your health, fitness, and ability to say "Yes, let's go!" without question...

confidence back!

The 90-Day Metabolic Reset created by best selling author & owner of Results Fitness, Rachel Cosgrove, is based on the same science and experience she has been writing and researching for her upcoming book,

Age Strong: A Woman’s Guide to

Feeling Athletic and Fit After 40

after her first book, The Female Body Breakthrough became a Best Seller helping thousands of women make their breakthrough!

Day One is Monday, October 2nd, because the first day of the week, month, or year is the best time to start a new habit. You are most likely to do it!

Day 90 is Saturday, December 30th, 2023 when...guess what?

You'll be ready to set new goals in the new year and keep your momentum going. 

That's right, we'll be with you right through the holidays,

reclaiming your health with strategies in place.

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I cannot wait to guide you over these next 90 days...

A lot has changed and I'm sure you have too. The things that used to be important to you might not be anymore, and you're finding yourself ready to prioritize things you never have before, like yourself.

I'm excited to introduce the 90-day Metabolic Reset using the advice, science and data I've compiled with updated research and experience to bring you the latest version of what works to truly reset your metabolism for long term sustainable change.

In "The Female Body Breakthrough" I talk about "acting as if" and becoming the "BITCH" which stands for Be Inspiring Totally Confident and Hot!

This is a feeling we all want. For the men, it's that BADASS feeling! To be able to walk into a room feeling like you own it, not feeling self-conscious.

And if you want to not only own the room, but you want to own your health I got you! 

It's no longer about being skinny. It's about looking like you could kick someone's ass. Am I right?

It's time to reclaim your health to feel ready for anything, becoming strong and resilient as your mindset changes to become the version of yourself you're ready to step into.

And I'm ready to be your coach.

You'll be working with myself and my expert team of coaches as we guide you step-by-step over 12 weeks starting with "acting as if" and becoming the healthy, strong, happy person you want to become right away and then we'll build those habits to stick for the long term.

You owe it to yourself to at least take a risk free plunge to join us for 12 weeks as we work together to become the best version of ourselves.

See you in the gym!

Your coach always,

Rachel Cosgrove

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I want to join! (click here)

Not sure? Listen to what some of our past clients said about their experience over the 90-day journey...

"I learned so much about myself in the last 90 days. I set three goals for myself -

1. Accountability with my food intake using My Fitness Pal.

2. I learned to love myself!

3. I learned not to beat myself up!

I feel so good about myself and no longer feel guilt feelings anymore.

I've really enjoyed the last 90 days."

-Joni Ragsdale

"The 90-day challenge was very eye opening for me. I've learned a lot about myself.

It wasn't a strict diet. You learned to actually eat properly in stages to accomplish little goals before moving on to the next one. It was a wonderful 90 days. I enjoyed every minute of it.

The accountability meetings were awesome!"

- Linda Hill

By the end of the 90 Days:

  • You'll have mastered new habits, feeling in control of your ongoing health and happiness.

  • You'll have ongoing support as part of the Results Fitness community always having your back as your journey continues.

  • You'll feel confident in the weight training area, able to do exercises you've never dreamed you'd do, feeling stronger than ever!

  • You'll inspire others with your new confidence and energy!

  • You'll have reinvented yourself to let go of the parts that no longer serve you.

  • You'll wake up every day inspired and motivated with vibrant energy.

  • You'll become a person with a driven mindset who works out, who eats healthy, and who has it all figured out when it comes to your health, fitness and vitality, inspiring those around you with your actions.

I want to join! (Click here)
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