7th Grade -College Age Athlete Summer Conditioning Program

Rachel Cosgrove • May 14, 2024

Calling all Athletes (remember if you have a body you are an athlete!)

Schools out for summer and your kid is going to be home from school with no plan other than laying around at home playing

video games???

We got you!

Bring them into Results! Our age limit is 12 and up and over the summer you can get our annual commitment prices for the summer only (memberships start at $125/bi-weekly).

Sign them up for 2-3 months with us at our annual commitment price and we'll help them to learn how to lift weights and come back from summer feeling athletic and ready for the school year!

Step one is to set them up for a complimentary strategy session with one of our coaches.

Reply to this email and we'll get them set up or click here to book an appointment today.

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