What does RAMP stand for?
R- Range of motion which will be a series of stretches and movements to get your joints moving in a full range of motion.
A- Activation when we'll have you perform exercises to activate your nervous system and get your muscles firing before your workout.
MP- Movement Preparation when we'll start to get you moving quicker, reacting and increasing your heart rate to flow right into your workout!
Performing a specific warm up such as this will decrease your risk of injuries and ensure you get the most out of your workout!
If your New Years comeback hasn't included a warm up or maybe it's been a slow walk on the treadmill to get started let us show you how to really make sure your body is warm and ready for your workout!
If you've started the year trying to go it alone or maybe you've been trying to find your place at a crowded big box gym it's time to try something different this year!
Make 2024 the year you find your gym home once and for all to make your health & fitness a priority. Results Fitness is where STRONG lives and we want you to be a part of it!
Join our 30-day test flight today for just $197 - Click here to get started