Is Your Mindset Setting You Up For Success or Failure?

Rachel Cosgrove • February 1, 2024

I've got a question for you: 

Are you regularly crushing goals - or are you like most people, getting crushed instead? 

Overwhelm, mis-directed energy and poor planning are a few of the cornerstones of failure - but the biggest reason we fail? 


Yup. When they say, “IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD!”... they’re right! 

Looking back at doing the research for my very first book "The Female Body Breakthrough", I learned the science behind mindsets that set the stage for positive, lasting change - and mindsets that prepare you to fail - before you even start. 

If You Do NOTHING ELSE, Do This: Stop Lying to Yourself 

We tell ourselves mean, nasty lies every day. Right now, think about the untruths you’ve told yourself this week. 

  • “You’re so stupid!” 
  • “No one likes you.” 
  • “You can’t do it!” 
  • “You’re not enough/not good enough.”

I might not know you personally - but I can tell you this: EVERY ONE OF THOSE MESSAGES IS A LIE. And every time you utter and think it, your physical and emotional bodies believe it. Your cells believe it. Your immune system believes it. Your metabolism believes it. 

Every time you’re tempted to think a lie, replace it with a truth: 

  • “I’m trying hard every day!” 
  • “I’m enough!” 
  • “I’ve got this!” 
  • “I can do this!” 
  • “I’m close to achieving my goals!” 

Your body and brain are listening and reacting to everything you think and utter. Give ‘em the good stuff and you’ll set yourself up for SUCCESS. 

Get your Attitude in Check with “Abundance Thinking” 

You’ve probably heard, “attitude of gratitude,” which is great! Being grateful can totally revitalize your mindset - and day. 

I want to shift perspective here, though - because a lot of our goals make us feel like we “get less” on the way to achieving them. Better job? Less free time! Weight loss? Less delicious desserts! New car? Less Starbucks! 

Abundance thinking is an intentional focus on PLENTY. While “gratitude attitude” might say, “I’m grateful I have food to eat” when one is upset about diet restrictions that go hand in hand with fat loss, abundance thinking is an intentional reply to the “less” mindset that leads to failure. 

Here’s how to “rewrite” this thought - and rewire your brain for success: 

FAILURE MINDSET: “I can’t have those brownies because I’m doing a fitness challenge!” 

ABUNDANCE THINKING: “I can have such a delicious variety of fruits and vegetables during this challenge!” 

BONUS ROUND: To really set this mindset shift in stone, act on your abundance thinking. In the example above, you could head over to the local farmer’s market and splurge on decadent organic peaches that wake up your taste buds with their tart-sweet nectar. Forget about the brownie - you’ve got ripe plums, roasted brussel sprouts, artichoke hearts, crisp watermelon and asparagus spears to enjoy! 

When we think about all we HAVE, and CAN HAVE, we’re focused on bringing more good - and success - to our lives. So turn that frown upside down and think abundantly! 

Keep your Battery Charged 

If you’re exhausted mentally and/or physically, you won’t have the energy to maintain a positive mindset. Tired bodies have a much harder time maintaining willpower and sleepy brains aren’t well known for their good-decision prowess. 

The science is simple: Sleep more. Turning in even 20 minutes earlier every day adds up to almost an extra two and a half hours of sleep a week. We are a sleep-deficit nation and it’s literally killing us. We need more sleep - not less - for success. If you’re not clocking in 7 to 8 hours a night but you’re asking your body and brain to perform optimally, failure can be around the corner. 

Sleep is when we recover - prioritize it! 

You know there is a different version of you ready to be found, just beneath the surface. Someone who is brave, who cultivates self-love, who stands in your power and owns your worth, deserving to become the best version of you possible!

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