Probably best to start in January right?
I agree.
This time of year with all of the temptations and family traditions around food along with parties and celebrations it really would be crazy to try to start a nutrition plan or make changes to how you eat now.
You'd pretty much be setting yourself up for failure.
You know you want to make changes to start to feel better.
But I agree you should wait until the New Year.
Except...there is one action you could start now.
Why not figure out how to carve out two hours a week to start strength training now to be in that habit as 2023 starts?
You've been meaning to all year.
If exercise has been a part of your regular routine ( Go 100 workout challengers go!) maybe it's time to level up your training sessions to learn how to strength train with a barbell or kettlebell challenging yourself in new ways?
Enjoy your holiday parties and indulge in all of your favorite foods this time of year but make a commitment to lift weights twice a week.
Why? It won't take away from enjoying the holidays. In fact it will make them more enjoyable by:
We're here to help. We make it really easy. You can join Results Fitness for as little as $197/month and get an expert coach, a scientifically designed training program and a community of supportive accountability so you cannot fail.
Click here to book your strategy session and get started today.