I've got a question for you:
Are you regularly crushing goals - or are you like most people, getting crushed instead?
Overwhelm, mis-directed energy and poor planning are a few of the cornerstones of failure - but the biggest reason we fail?
Yup. When they say, “IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD!”... they’re right!
Looking at research for my next book on the science behind mindsets that sets the stage for positive, lasting change - and mindsets that prepare you to fail - before you even start.
There’s a lot that goes into setting yourself up for success with a positive growth mindset and over the next three weeks I'll share 3 things you can start doing to shift yourself into a success mindset ready to conquer your goals by the end of the month.
Your first action step:
If You Do NOTHING ELSE, Do This: Stop Lying to Yourself
We tell ourselves mean, nasty lies every day. Right now, think about the untruths you’ve told yourself this week.
I might not know you personally - but I can tell you this: EVERY ONE OF THOSE MESSAGES IS A LIE. And every time you utter and think it, your physical and emotional bodies believe it. Your cells believe it. Your immune system believes it. Your metabolism believes it.
Every time you’re tempted to think a lie, replace it with a truth:
Your body and brain are listening and reacting to everything you think and utter. Give ‘em the good stuff and you’ll set yourself up for SUCCESS.
Tune in next week for part two of shifting your mindset to set yourself up for success.
If you're ready to surround yourself with a positive, success minded community our team at Results Fitness would love to meet you and guide you on your path to reaching your goals! You got this!
Jump on our schedule today for a complimentary strategy session with one of our expert coaches.
We've got your back!