Too tired to be tired?

Rachel Cosgrove • November 9, 2023

Too tired to be tired?

If you’re exhausted mentally and/or physically, you won’t have the energy to maintain a positive mindset. Tired bodies have a much harder time maintaining willpower and sleepy brains aren’t well known for their good-decision prowess.

This Weeks Focus is to Recharge your Battery. 

The science is simple: Sleep more.

Turning in even 20 minutes earlier every day adds up to almost an extra two and a half hours of sleep a week.

We are a sleep-deficit nation and it’s literally killing us.

We need more sleep - not less - for success.

If you’re not clocking in 7 to 8 hours a night but you’re asking your body and brain to perform optimally, failure can be around the corner.

Sleep is when we recover - prioritize it!

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